
Remember! To vote for the GCC Board members or any other GCC business that requires General Membership approval, you must renew or complete a GCC Membership by March 31. To run for the Board of Directors, one must be a member for at least three (3) months. Click for additional Board Candidate information.

The GCC General Membership Meeting will be held June 21, 2025, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Del Mar Center in Sea Ranch. It can be in person or via Zoom (instructions will be available on the website closer to the meeting date).


If you would like to become more involved with the Gualala Community Center, consider becoming a member. To become a member, you must be at least eighteen (18) years of age. Members are provided with a unique opportunity to support the Board of Director’s efforts.

Members in good standing may:

In order to vote and run for the Board of Directors, one must be a member for at least three (3) months.

  • run to become a member of the Board of Directors
  • vote during Board of Director elections
  • vote at annual and special meetings when membership approval is required
  • attend any meeting of the Board of Directors and address the Board on any items that is within the Board’s jurisdiction

Membership Levels

Benefactors = $10,000 ~  Two Lifetime Memberships 

Patron = $2,000 ~ Two Five-year Memberships  

Sponsors = $750 ~  Two Three-year Memberships

Partners = $120 ~  Two Two-year Memberships 

Member = $10 ~  Individual Yearly Membership 

Memberships renew each January and all members will receive a reminder when payment is due. Memberships purchased from October-December in any year do will not renew until the following January.

Sustaining Memberships

A Sustaining Membership is an unrestricted monthly gift to support Gualala Community Center in a convenient, ongoing way. Each month, we will charge your credit card, debit card — or withdraw from your checking account — the amount you select below.  Please click the button to start the setup process and we will contact you to set up automatic reoccurring payments.

All Sustaining Members will be listed in our Membership/Donation lists and will be able to vote for Board members and other votes that require membership approval.

$5   Sustaining Membership ~ Two Memberships

$10 Sustaining Membership ~ Two  Memberships

$20 and up Sustaining Membership ~ Two  Memberships

Or mail us a check made out to:

Gualala Community Center
P.O. Box 263
Gualala, CA 95445

Or you may call:

(707) 884-3179

We will need each individual’s name and email address.

And remember, you don’t have to be a member to be a volunteer.

As always, your support as a community is greatly appreciated!